Quartet Contest
Quartet Contest
1: Espressivo
2: Unstoppable
3: crackerjacks
4: Ultra L
6: Girl Friendsβ
7: q-uin-b
8: Sound Sowers
9: After Times
10: Merry Widow
11: FourJoy
12: QuattroVoci
13: C.C.Cats
14: North Times
15: Mixed Nuts
16: Vagabonds
17: Vocal Tompectrum
18: Four Tune
Chorus Contest
Chorus Contest
1: The Lockers
2: Ensemble Reed
3: The Harmonix
4: Tokyo Vocal Express / 合唱団特急うたごえ81号
5: Mu Project
6: Tokyo Barbers
Open Division
Open Division
1: Love Unsweetened
2: caprice
3: Ring Dolls
4: Piccola DIVA